What will be the most significant impact of generative AI on the future of jobs?

We all are now aware of AI, or Artificial Intelligence. We have heard people saying AI will be replacing human beings. Amid these topics and matters of concern, a new problem is emerging: Generative AI. Every company is talking about it. What is Generative AI, and how is it different from existing AI? Today, we … Read more

High paying skills to learn in 2024 as Students

High paying skills to learn in 2024

If you’re a student or already a working employee, if you’re looking high paying skills to learn in 2024, you are at the right place. We have covered interesting skills for everyone. The skills we’re going to share today is totally focused on emerging and in-demand areas and can pay you a lot. When it … Read more

What is AGI(Artificial General Intelligence): Ready for AI Singularity in 2024?

Robot using a macbook

You may have heard about AI Singularity and what is AGI in Artificial Intelligence. If you’re not sure what these terms mean, let me explain. The term ‘AI Singularity’ comes from the idea of ‘singularity’ in physics, introduced by famous physicist Albert Einstein. In physics, singularity is a point in space where the laws of … Read more

10 AI Tools for Business to Set Up in 2024 (Free & Paid)

top 10 ai tools for business

The world of business is constantly growing and the main cause of the growth is advancement in AI technology. After the introduction of AI and AI tools for business in the market, more businesses came into existence. Due to the AI, the business processes can be streamlined and automated which increases the possibilities of growth … Read more

Upgrade your Writing Prompts Skill in 2024

Prompt Writing Tech Priestess

As the reach of Artificial intelligence is increasing in our daily lives and we are depending on Chatbots, AI assistants, and AI-based tools, it is essential to learn the way to interact with AI. To get better responses and get the desired output one has to learn the way to ask for the output. Whether … Read more

Prompt meaning and engineering in 2024

Tech Priestess

What is a prompt There are multiple meaning of prompts. Prompt meaning depends on the context it has been used. In general a Prompt means a cue or instruction that initiates or guides a specific action or response. In computer science and artificial intelligence, a prompt refers to a symbol usually a message displayed on … Read more

What is Machine Learning: Best tools and Platform in 2024

what is machine learning tech priestess

What is machine learning Machine learning is sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on the development of algorithms and models which helps computer to learn and make predictions or decisions without writing some specialized program. The main idea is to create systems that can automatically identify patterns, make sense of data, and improve their … Read more

Google Gemini AI 1.0: A Powerful Evolution in AI?

gemini ai

Most of the big tech companies are working on the upcoming future of technology, ‘The Artificial Intelligence’. Companies are in the race to build algorithms and Capitative models which can imitate human intelligence with most efficiency. After the release of Chat-GPT by Open AI, the pace of making models became even more faster than before. … Read more