Which is best Smartphone Processor in 2024

In the rapidly changing world of smartphones, the processor is the beating heart of these portable powerhouses, determining their speed, efficiency, and overall performance. With so many options in the market, it’s becoming more and more challenging for consumers to choose the right smartphone. To make this decision simpler, we’ll look at some of the prominent processors that have improved day by day and are top ranking now a days.

1. Qualcomm Snapdragon Series

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon series has become an integral component in the Android platform, with a reputation for delivering high performance and efficiency. Qualcomm provides a wide range of processors to meet the needs of both casual users and hungry for power gamers.

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Best Smartphone Processor

List of Some best Smartphone Processors from Qualcomm

Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3CPU Performance: 87/100
Cores: 8
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2CPU Performance: 87/100
Cores: 8
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Plus Gen 1CPU Performance: 76/100
Cores: 8
Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3CPU Performance: 70/100
Cores: 8

2. Apple A Series: Processors for iPhones

On the other end of the range, Apple’s iPhones make use of custom-designed A-series processors. The A14 Bionic and its successors regularly pushed the boundaries of smartphone performance. Apple’s broad approach, in which hardware and software are customized to work together, results in a flawless and optimized user experience.

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Best Smartphone Processor

List of Some best Smartphone Processors from Apple A Series

A 17 ProCPU Performance: 96/100
A 16 BionicCPU Performance: 94/100
A 15 BionicCPU Performance: 86/100

3. Samsung Exynos Series: Used in Samsung’s Galaxy

The Exynos series was created to provide a competitive advantage in terms of performance and energy efficiency. Samsung regularly integrates Exynos processors into its high-end smartphones like Galaxy Series to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.

best Smartphone Processors Tech Priestess
Best Smartphone Processors

List of Some best Smartphone Processors from Exynos

Samsung Exynos 2200CPU Performance: 65/100
Samsung Exynos 2100CPU Performance: 55/100

4. MediaTek Dimensity Series

With the Dimensity series, MediaTek has made significant progress in the smartphone processor market. MediaTek processors are used in both mid-range and high-end smartphones.

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Best Smartphone Processor

List of Some best Smartphone Processors from Mediatek Dimensity

Dimensity 9300CPU Performance: 99/100
Dimensity 9200 PlusCPU Performance: 89/100
Dimensity 9200CPU Performance: 85/100
Dimensity 8300CPU Performance: 78/100

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Processor:

Now that we’ve explored some of the prominent players, let’s delve into the factors you should consider when choosing a smartphone processor:

a. Performance:

  • Consider the type of user you are. If you’re a gamer or someone who frequently uses resource-intensive applications, a processor with high performance capabilities, such as those from the Snapdragon or Apple A series, would be ideal.

b. Power Efficiency:

  • Longer battery life is a crucial consideration for many users. Processors that strike a balance between power and energy consumption contribute to a device’s overall efficiency.

c. Usage Preferences:

  • Tailor your choice based on your usage patterns. For example, if you’re into photography, a processor with robust image processing capabilities might be essential.

d. Latest Technology:

  • Keep abreast of the latest releases. Newer processors often come with advancements in various aspects, including speed, artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, and connectivity features.

e. User Reviews:

  • Real-world experiences can offer valuable insights. Reading user reviews and testimonials can provide a clearer picture of how a processor performs in everyday scenarios.

Looking to the Future:

While the information presented here is based on the state of the smartphone industry up until early 2024, it’s important to acknowledge that technology moves at a rapid pace. As you venture into the smartphone market, keep an eye on the latest developments and releases.

Advancements in processor technology are ongoing, and new players might emerge, challenging the status quo. Additionally, considerations like 5G capabilities, artificial intelligence integration, and thermal management will continue to shape the smartphone processor landscape.


Choosing the best processor for your smartphone involves a careful balance of performance, power efficiency, and alignment with your individual needs. As of 2024, the Qualcomm Snapdragon, Apple A series, Samsung Exynos, and MediaTek Dimensity processors stand out as leaders in the industry, each catering to specific preferences and requirements.

Ultimately, the “best” processor is the one that aligns with your usage patterns and provides a satisfying overall experience. Stay informed, consider the factors that matter most to you, and choose a smartphone equipped with a processor that complements your lifestyle. As the smartphone journey unfolds, exciting innovations are sure to shape the future of these indispensable devices.

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