Top AI Skills to learn in 2024 as a beginner to make Money

In today’s time if you ask someone which skill to learn in order to make money, everyone will suggest one common skill, that skill is AI. But when you decide to learn it, a pretty common problem most of the beginners encounter is from where to start and exactly what to learn. Today’s article will be resolving this problem and I will be suggesting you top AI skills to learn as a beginner.

If you know the right AI skill then you can earn a lot. What do I mean by the right skills? These are skills that are trending and in-demand, with fewer people possessing them, which can make you popular and sought after. Companies will come looking for you. Today, I will be telling you about the top AI skills to learn. AI is a vast topic, but if you become more specific and pick subtopics within AI, you can still become richer than half of the population.

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a technology that intends to mimic human-like intelligence. By “human-like,” I mean that this technology will be smart enough to learn things on its own, just like a human being does. Humans learn through mistakes, by observing their surroundings, through advice, and by working intuitively. Similarly, AI technology will be capable of learning through its errors, from its surroundings, through supervised learning (advice), and will be capable of making decisions (working intuitively). Additionally, AI will be able to make accurate predictions and generate new and unique content, just like a human being.

In technical terms, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a domain of computer science focused on creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI can understand and process natural languages (human languages), recognize patterns, and make decisions based on available data, which is often achieved through machine learning techniques.

How AI is going to impact your jobs?

Here the question arises: how is this technology going to impact your current jobs? You may argue that technological advancement is meant for the benefit of humans, so how is this technology taking jobs away from people?

Let us go back in time to understand the impact of technological advancement. Before tractors were invented, farmers plowed their fields manually or employed workers to do such tasks. However, after the invention of tractors, the worker lost his job, and the farmer invested his money in buying a tractor. But the worker was hard-working and made a smart decision—he learned how to fix tractors and started working in a mechanic shop. The moral of this story is that any advancement or change on a global level will directly or indirectly affect you, but if you choose to upgrade yourself and continuously learn in-demand skills, you can never be jobless.

AI is definitely going to replace many people in their jobs. The most direct impact will be on data entry jobs, the manufacturing industry, basic-level analytics roles, customer service, entry-level graphic design, and a few more. While these are the jobs that will face a direct impact, there will still be an indirect impact on everyone. So, what’s the solution here?

There’s only one solution to this concerning issue: skill development. If one is dedicated to learning new skills, especially those related to the field of artificial intelligence, the chance of unemployment will significantly reduce.

Why Youth & Teens should learn AI?

You might be wondering why I am focusing more on youth and teens. The reason is that the jobs most likely to be directly impacted by AI are primarily entry-level positions. While experienced professionals will also feel the effects, the youth and upcoming generation (teens) are likely to face more significant challenges. Many countries, including South Africa, the Republic of Congo, India, Bangladesh, and others, are already experiencing high unemployment rates. In these places, many young people are either unemployed or working in jobs that do not align with their qualifications.

Especially youth and teens may face an unemployment-like situation due to a lack of in-demand skills. While everyone should learn new skills, it’s crucial for youth and teens to focus on the most demanding skill of our time: AI.

Major reasons to learn AI:

  1. The Growing Influence of Artificial Intelligence: AI is becoming an inevitable part of everyday life. Phones already use AI (e.g., Siri, Alexa), WhatsApp has integrated MetaAI into its application, and social platforms offer options to label content as AI-generated.
  2. A Field Full of Opportunities: Artificial Intelligence is a vast field full of innovations. From self-driving cars to robotic surgeries, AI makes many possibilities feasible. Jobs in this field are well-paid and in high demand, and acquiring AI skills can enable you to build your own business.

Top AI Skills to learn for Youth and Teens

There are many skills to learn, and while many people suggest acquiring AI skills, they often don’t address the specific topics one should focus on. Artificial Intelligence itself is a vast domain, and it’s technically not feasible to learn everything within it. I have identified some of the top AI skills that one can learn relatively easily.

1. Popular language used in AI:

There are multiple programming languages, but the most popular one for AI is Python. Most companies use Python for Artificial Intelligence due to its simplicity and extensive libraries. Python is highly beginner-friendly and features dedicated libraries for AI and data science. In addition to libraries, Python offers frameworks and tools that are worth learning. One can also consider learning R and JavaScript for their respective applications in data analysis and web development.

2. Machine Learning Techniques:

The second most popular skill you can learn in the field of AI is Machine Learning. Machine Learning Engineers are in high demand and command a high salary range. There are various techniques in Machine Learning, including supervised learning, unsupervised learning, neural networks, and deep learning.

3. Deep Learning:

Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning but represents a distinct skill set. With more advanced and deeper algorithms, deep learning is a top skill to learn in AI.

4. Natural Language Processing:

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a powerful technology in today’s world. This technology helps machines to understand, interpret, and respond to human language. NLP becomes essential for analyzing large amounts of text and speech data, especially because data contains variety of dialects, slang, and grammatical quirks which are common in everyday conversations and used by human beings.

5. Computer Vision:

Computer vision is one more specialized branch of artificial intelligence which focuses on allowing computers to interpret and understand visuals from the world around them. It is a technology which gives a vision to Machines. By utilizing machine learning algorithms and neural networks, computer vision systems can analyze digital images, videos, and other visual inputs, extracting valuable information from it.

6. AI Ethics:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is advancing rapidly, raising significant ethical concerns that necessitate specialized roles like AI ethicists. These professionals blend technical knowledge with an understanding of social, moral, and legal implications to ensure AI systems are developed and used responsibly. They guide ethical practices in AI development, ensuring that systems align with societal values, comply with regulations, and mitigate risks. Their responsibilities include crafting ethical guidelines, conducting project reviews, and educating teams on ethical practices. As AI continues to evolve, AI ethicists play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology in a manner that is fair, transparent, and aligned with societal norms.

To become an AI ethicist, one should pursue a blend of technical and non-technical education, such as degrees in computer science or philosophy, and gain practical experience through internships or research. Networking and professional development through conferences and ethics organizations are also essential. Businesses benefit from integrating AI ethics strategies that identify risks, ensure compliance, and foster a culture of responsibility. Regular updates to ethics policies help organizations stay aligned with technological and societal changes, reinforcing the importance of AI ethicists in creating ethical, trustworthy AI systems.

7. Data Science:

There’s a huge demand of big data and with the rise of AI technology the demand for skilled data scientists is increasing. One needs to learn technical abilities which includes learning of Python and R for programming languages, SQL and NoSQL for database management, and one needs to learn statistics and mathematics for data analysis. Data scientists must also learn data visualization and gradually develop skills in machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. When one learns these all skills and make a practical use of it you will need to master cloud computing and big data tools like PySpark.


Artificial Intelligence is now becoming integral part to our lives and careers, making it essential for youth and teens to learn AI skills. AI, which aims to mimic human-like intelligence, encompasses a broad range of technologies and applications. Understanding AI and developing expertise in these specific areas can significantly boost the career and makes you to survive the upcoming job crises.

In conclusion, investing time and effort into learning AI skills can open doors to multiple opportunities and ensure a competitive edge in the workforce. By focusing on these AI skills, youth and teens can prepare themselves for a future where AI plays a crucial role, turning challenges into opportunities and ensuring a resilient and dynamic career path.

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